Film info
Released June 27, 2013
©2013 Running Lady Studios
"Name That Schmuck!" from Running Lady Studios & Virtual Girl Prod.
schmuck \'shmək\ : a stupid or foolish person: jerk
Have YOU ever encountered one? Bet you went to school with or worked for one. Maybe you've been served by, taught by, or given the finger by one. Did you date or marry one? Or (GASP) give birth to one?!
And are you, like so many of us, simply amazed by the sheer number of pop culture and political celebrity schmucks out there? Think you can name a few?
Writer/actress Gameela Wright (Avajean Westland in Second Life) of Virtual Girl Productions, and director K. DaVette See (Suzy Yue in Second Life) of Running Lady Studios have put together another pop culture bitch slap in which a few well-known schumcks get put through the wringer in a familiar setting: the daytime game show. If "Jeopardy" and "TMZ" had a baby, you'd get "Name That Schmuck!"
Running Lady Studios (RLS) is K. DaVette See, director, and Rob See, cinematographer/ designer. DaVette and Rob hold Theatre and Scenic Design degrees, respectively. With over 30 years combined experience in theatre, video and film, they formed Running Lady Studios in 2008 and have produced or co-produced over twenty animated short films.
Gameela Wright is an actress and writer based in NYC. She formed Virtual Girl Productions (VGP) for the purpose of developing a sketch comedy webisodic series in the vein of "The Tracy Ullman Show" filmed exclusively in Second Life. VGP teamed with RLS to produce short animated films featuring Ms. Wright as writer and star, and Ms. See as director.
Recorded at Running Lady Studios in Second Life for Virtual Girl Productions
K. DaVette Thomas See
Gameela Wright
Character design and sculpting
K. DaVette Thomas See
Costume Design
K. DaVette Thomas See
Set Design and Construction
Linkin Slate
K. DaVette Thomas See and Rob See
Executive Producer
Gameela Wright (AvaJean Westland in SL)
Rob See
K. DaVette Thomas See (Suzy Yue in SL)
Associate Producer Bella Begonia
Host/Gameela Wright
Announcer/Olaf Barbosa
Celebrity Impersonator/Corwyn Allen
Rod Blagojevitch/Marnie Quinnell
Arnold Schwartzenegger/Olaf Barbosa
Anthony Weiner/Bella Begonia or 1angelcares Writer
Additional Puppetry Audience Members/extras
1angelcares Writer
Abernathy Button
Aisling Sinclair
Bain Finch
Bella Begonia
Cody Juneau
Gameela Wright
GinGin Denja
Lilibet Nightfire
Olaf Barbosa
Panza Eilde
Theme Music/Composed and Performed by Rob See
End Credits/Rob See
Name That Schmuck © 2013 Running Lady Studios
All Rights Reserved
Virtual Girl Productions and Running Lady Studios are the author of this motion picture for the purposes of copyright and other laws.
This motion picture is protected pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the United States of America and other countries and unauthorized duplication, distribution and/or exhibition of this motion picture may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.
This is a work of fiction and all celebrity voices are impersonated. Any resemblance between the characters in this picture and any persons, living or dead, is coincidental. Well, maybe not the celebrities so much.
No avatars were harmed in the making of this film.